AOMC Restoration Seminar

Further details:

Spoke ‘n’ Hub

Spoke ‘n’ Hub.

Readers of MGCC Geelong might be interested to know the Association of Motoring Clubs (AOMC) has put out a new publication called Spoke ‘n’ Hub. The first edition is available on their website and will become a regular document which provide readers useful information and insights into what is happening in Historic Motoring. Click below to go to the AOMC index of Spoke n Hub Editions.

Spoke n Hub

May Coffee Run 2023

Good Numbers for coffee at Port Lonsdale considering the weather
Great coffee and cakes were enjoyed by all
Next Coffee run is to the Moriac store, and the town people are very excited to see the MG’s roll into their little village!!!!!

70 Anniversary Magnette run May 23rd 2023 Ballan

70th Year of the Magnette – To Ballan [Victoria] 23May23

To celebrate the release of the MG Z Series Magnette in Oct 1953 a run was organised to Ballan on 23May ’23. Due to drawing on members from 4 clubs Geelong members met at the Moorabool Chocolate factory at 10.30am, while non-Geelong members travelled directly to Ballan.

Arriving in Ballan at 12.30pm

23 of us arrived at the Commercial Hotel in Ballan. Six Magnettes and one Modern ZS were the flag bearers of the marque.

Having placed our food and drink orders it was time to mingle together. Ballarat and Melbourne attendees are at the distant end.

Short table has a good mix of the recently joined and diversified. Coming from Bendigo, Melbourne and Geelong

The day went very well. What does not when it’s a beautiful driving day and the venue lives up to expectations with good friendly service. We departed reluctantly but felt reassured this catchup and celebration was important.

Loz Scott

April end of the month coffee run

Fun to be had at Maple Bakery for our first end of month Coffee Run.

Our next Coffee Run is  Coffee Run to Lonsdale Golf Club Sunday, 28 May 2023, 31 Clubhouse Drive, Point Lonsdale, 3225.
See you all there !!!!

Motorkhana 7th May 2023

We had 14 entries plus some come and try. Started cold, then rain and then wind and sun. Very slippery for all.
Craig Ballinger showed us all how to handle the wet with some very slick times. Shirley Reynolds continued to impress with a third place outright narrowly from Gordon.


Don Woods – The final lap

Don Woods – The final lap

We are gathering to celebrate and remember Don’s life on Sunday 4th June at MG Car Club Rooms at 2pm

We would love you to come along, as we put him on the top step of the podium once again and reminisce of a life very well lived.

Bring your stories to share with friends and tell those tales of how he pipped you at the post or tickled your MG to make it go a bit quicker.

At Don’s special request – he would like as many MG’s as possible at his final farewell event.

To assist with catering, we would appreciate an RSVP via email or by phoning Jan on 0408 555 195 by 30th May.

Looking forward to seeing you on 4th June.

Jan and Don’s family.

Natmeet Adelaide 2023



Natmeet 2023 Adelaide Report


Natmeet 2023 Adelaide Report (Loz Scott)


Natmeet 2023 The Bend, on board with Steven Jones in the Midget

Natmeet 2023 Rocker Cover Racing

Natmeet Presentation


National Meet Adelaide 2023 – By Loz Scott

Concours -A group of us Magette owners believe it’s important to have enough cars at the Nat Meet to be noticed. Our plan was to congregate early at our motel. Hence it was impossible to join the MGCC Geelong contingent. Attending was 5 ZA/ZB and 2 Farina Magnettes. At the head of our line-up is Anthony Pearson’s concours winning ZB Magnette.

A Rare Arnolt MG TD. Stanley H Arnolt was an MG car dealer based in Chicago. While attending the 1952 car show at Turin [Italy] he spied two Bertone designed and built specials. Two types were displayed – A two door coup and a

Arnolt liked the MGs and ordered a quantity of each. Shipping the two prototypes back to the USA to generate sales.
Based on a MG TD chassis and instrument panel the MG company were unable to supply enough chassis to fill all Arnolts orders. Hence these are rare cars and highly sort after. My interest in this car is the Italian styling as Gerald Palmer the designer of the MG Series ZA/ZB Magnette was heavily influenced by [Italian] their modern designs. See my book – Heritage MG Series ZA/ZB Magnette for more information about this specific car. 

Speed Events

Graeme Ruby trailered his 1973 MGBGTV8 to Adelaide. Graeme is here, between runs, with his car. Graeme also took out the concours prize for his class. To have a car that competes so strongly in Speed and Motorkhana events is the hallmark of the true sports enthusiast.

Racetrack has three main viewing concourses that give an excellent view of what is happening. I was told the track can be configured into eight different tracks.

Hurtling along [above] is Anthony Pearson in his concours winning Magnette. This seems a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Enjoyed the Adelaide Nat meet and renewing associations with fellow enthusiasts.

By Loz Scott  Magnette enthusiast