Presidents Report

Presidents Report from Don Collins (February 2024)
From under the Bonnet.
The club is taking off for another year, our 51st, in a very changing world.
Your Executive Committee (EC) had a little break, but has commenced the planning and formulating an action plan leading up to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to held on March 5th. As mooted, the AGM will include the annual presentation and a members’ supper. So put this important activity in your diaries. Club and Competition awards will be presented, including 25-year membership badges.
Recently, the Executive Committee (EC) reviewed the format and distribution of our popular G-Torque MGCC Geelong Club magazine. There are two versions: the Printed Version (mailed out and delivered to your door step) AND the on-line Electronic Version. It was resolved that the 2024-2025 Membership Renewal Invoice will request your preference for the future. When you get your invoice, please consider what suits you best. Importantly, when you pay your 2024-2025 renewal, please tick the box to choose either the home-delivered Printed Version OR the on-line Electronic Version. Thank You.
New Members – we are continuing to welcome new members into the club, but, unfortunately we are not learning about your background and other interests. I invite anyone who has joined in the last year to jot me an email and outline a brief background, your skills and desires, and what you want from the club. It would be treated in confidence, but used as a snapshot of the changing “club personality”. It is intended to conduct some “new member” welcome events so new members can be introduced to our facilities and gain an understanding of the club’s operations. This request has a secondary use as it will feed into our strategic planning for what the club needs to do for our club’s longevity and to foster better member engagement. An early task in 2024 for the new EC will be to prepare an action plan for the year and beyond. Budgets are now in place for the club year, subject to being adopted by the incoming EC, after the AGM.
I note that the competition and social events are on the calendar in unison which should mean members can better plan participation. Can I observe that you can easily mix and match, see when you can drop into
a competition event, visit a hill climb or motorkhana. Attend a square rigger coffee start, or join the run.
Our coffee runs are popular just to catch up with members and introduce or re-introduce yourself. The social program has something for all. I also commend the community-based visits to aged care and kindred club activities
I ask members to consider attending the National MG Meeting 2024 in Tamworth. Graeme Ruby or Nick Wood can tell you all about it. They will start with “it is not a competition event”; there is “something for all”. Ask and you will be surprised. Find out what “Natter and Noggin” with rocker cover racing is?
See you soon at a club event or at our February monthly meeting or at the shed on Friday mornings

2024 Centenary MG Natmeet Registration Now Open!

MG Natmeet entries are now open as per the attached Bulletin. Please decide soon as accommodation will become hard. I have booked at Abraham Lincoln Motel on 0267661233 and use reference MG Tina Victoria as MG club has graciously allowed us to use there extra rooms. From 29/3 till 2/4.
For any queries or to confirm attendance please give me a call. It would be good to go as a team to probably the best social event around.
Graeme Ruby



We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the upcoming Centenary MG National Meeting in Tamworth, to be held over the 2024 Easter weekend, 29 March – 2 April.

Click this link to head to the national meeting registration page. Please read the registration information carefully before attempting to register.

This exciting event commences with scrutineering and registration on Good Friday, 29 March at the TRECC facility in Tamworth. This will be followed by a Natter & Noggin and rocker cover racing in the evening.

Our concours d’elegance will be held on Saturday in the centre of Tamworth, followed by a country ball that evening.

On Sunday we have two special events planned. For our competitive members there will be a motorkhana at the recently refurbished Gunnedah Airport. For members seeking a more purely social activity, there will be the Kimber Run to Nundle and Hanging Rock.

On Monday a lap dash speed event will be run at Oakburn Park Raceway, alongside a discovery run into the hinterlands  around Tamworth, which will finish up to meet the racers at the Raceway. Our celebratory presentation night will be held that evening at the art deco Tamworth Town Hall.

We will conclude the weekend with a farewell breakfast on Tuesday morning.

There is also the opportunity to purchase the Centenary MG National Meeting polo shirt and cap at the time of online registration, which will be added to your welcome packs when registering on Good Friday.

Click this link to head to the national meeting registration page. Please read the registration information carefully before attempting to register. If you would like to register for competition events, please review the instructions and supplementary documentation carefully and complete the required documentation before registering for the national meeting.

All motorkhana and lapdash competitors are required to send a request email to Steve Perry at or Leone Johnson on to receive your allocated car number. These numbers will need to be obtained prior to you completing your online registration.

We look forward to meeting you in Tamworth and enjoying a great weekend of MG driving fun.

Charlie Frew,National Meeting Chairman



2024 MG National Meeting

MG Car Club

Shed open on Friday 5th January

Hi All,
It’s planed to have the first open day for the shed on Friday 5th January. Anyone is welcome to have a look, chat etc.
Please check the website closer to the date for any changes.

Today in History

Today in History

From James ‘Killa’ Killingsworth (one of our overseas roving reporters)
Fifty-one years ago, on this day (6 November 1972), the BMC Leyland Australia
factory, located at Victoria Park in Sydney, produced its last Australian made MGB in
Australia. The company had been assembling Mini Morris 1100’s and Austin 1800’s
from imported English parts. The factory later became the Zetland Naval Stores
The Victoria Park (Zetland Waterloo) factory occupied 74 acres with the ability to
manufacture complete vehicles. It comprised four main factories: CKD (later CAB-2),
the Unit Plant, CAB, and the Press Shop. Vehicles were also assembled in CAB-3 when
the Parts and Accessories Division relocated to Liverpool. Nuffield tractors were also
assembled in the Company Garage on the site.
Between 1950 and 1975, 50,000 people collectively spent 130,000 years building
motor cars at Victoria Park. Most employees, typically 5,000 at any time were
migrants and the organisation was faced with the 35 languages that they spoke.
From James Killa (one of our overseas roving reporters)

Photo courtesy of MG History


2023 MGCCGeelong                  TOUR NEWSLETTER #9.               Nov 1

The starting blocks are set for the fourteen cars on this year’s tour. Just ten cars will leave from the BP Officer Truck Stop and they will meet the Ulphs in Rosedale, Collins & McAllisters in Bairnsdale and Boyds in Canberra.

We are aware that many are planning to catchup with friends and family in Canberra who may join our group for some activities. We are also aware how difficult it is to fit your sight seeing options into the available time! This explains the limited responses to the possible meal options for the Thursday and Friday nights. If bookings are required they can be made on our arrival. We have included some more meal options that you might like to explore, see attachment. We have not been to any of these.

Cribbs have booked a tour for themselves of the new Parliament House for Tuesday afternoon by going online. They are also hoping to visit Mount Stromlo, The Glass Museum and the National Archives as well as catching up with friends. Cribbs have previously been to Botanical Gardens, Museum, War Museum, High Court, Mount Ainslie Lookout, Museum of Australian Democracy, National Carillion, National Library, National Art Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, Old Bus Depot Markets, Mint.

Give us a call if we can help, or contact the Canberra Tourist Office 1300554114.

Known last minute changes:

Sadly, in this time of labour shortages and an economic squeeze, these are inevitable. The Restaurant at our Cooma Motel has closed as they cannot find a chef! We are now booked for dinner at the Cooma Hotel which is about a ten minute walk or short drive from the motel.

We know the restaurant at the Space Centre is closed as is the one at Mount Stromlo, but neither will significantly impact on our tour.

Happy Hour Nibbles:

Currently, this is a bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Home via Tumut?

A great, but longer drive from Canberra to Albury is via Gundagai, Tumut, Tumbarumba, Jingellic and onto Albury. We will head down the highway as planned but invite you to consider this alternative. We travelled that way last time. The roads were good but it takes longer and you would need to leave Canberra earlier. I suggest it needs a couple of cars together to travel for safety – give PC a ring if interested and he will link you with any interested others.

Wednesday BBQ with the MGCC Canberra

Our hosts have organised the Canberra Vietnam Vets to conduct an outdoor BBQ on Wednesday at 6:30 following our Last Post Ceremony at the War Memorial (so very appropriate!) The cost is $12pp that can be paid in cash or by credit card. Soft drinks available at extra cost. Beer or wine is a BYO affair.

The venue is the Black Mountain Peninsula Reserve. It is on Garryowen Drive, off Lady Denman Drive which is reached by turning left off Parkes Way. There are some seats and some shelter at the venue.

Last Night on Tour Festivities.

Our final night, in Albury, will be the venue for the tour extravaganza organised by Gordon Reynolds.

Collection of Tour Book

The book has been prepared by Lance with great skill (and patience!). Don has duplicated and bound the copies. They are available from Don at the club meeting on 7th Nov, if you are unable to collect a copy in person you can collect from the Cribbs on the trip. Peter and Bev will attend the club meeting by zoom only.

Tour Write-ups and photographs

We need daily write-ups for G-Torque, preferably with photos. We are only 14 cars and there are 8 days!! Happy for it to be a collaboration! We all need to be involved.

Three More Dining Suggestions


History of settlement before Canberra

2023 Mt Tarrangower Hillclimb

The Tao of Chuck.


2023 Mt Tarrangower Hillclimb report.

This year’s Inns Motors Mt Tarrangower Hill climb, which for many is one of the premier events of the year was run on the weekend of 14-15 October. After the cancellation of the 2020 and 2021 events due to Covid and bad weather, this year’s entry list was fully subscribed. And once again, members of the Competition Team journeyed to Maldon to take on the hill.

Saturday dawned cool and dry, and as expected, the usual chaos ensued with a somewhat late start probably due to the fact it takes a while to scrutinise 93 cars. Competitors lined up for their practice runs in a somewhat “loose” order, a point of which was made on Sundays drivers briefing. Team times were indicative of the times that could be expected on Sunday. Peter Thompson posting a 53.1 and a 52.8 that promised great things and Horrie Duniam putting the fear of God into himself with runs of 51.8 and 51.3 were particularly noteworthy.

Somewhat unfortunately, Brendan Hall discovered he had a hole in his radiator and spent the afternoon affecting repairs. More on that later.

Saturday night, members of your competition team retired to the famous Kangaroo Hotel in Maldon for dinner. Many of those present, and including your humble correspondent, watched in awe as The Magnificent Horrie, a.k.a. the “Caliph of Conversation” charmed all and sundry with his eloquence and wit. His bravura performance on Saturday night was an stupendous example of just how to endear oneself to the owners and bar staff – especially the bar staff – of our favourite hotel, ensuring our welcome return next year. Bravo!

An early start on Sunday for another brief round of scrutineering and the competition started. The track was drying, and early times up the hill represented that.

Jedi Master Deahl seemed off his usual pace with a best time of 56.8, but the Deahl Mobile was suffering valve bounce, so faster times faded into impossibility. Although competing in different classes, all eyes were on the Olympian struggle between Peter Thompson and Graham Ruby for best time up the hill, with “Hermes” Thompson at 50.0 pipping “Zeus” Ruby at 51.3, with contestants taking second and third in their respective classes.

Team Hall have now been nominated as the new recipients of the “Horries Horror” Trophy (previously so ably held by Team Wurdibuloc) for trackside repairs. Dan Hall in the Midget posted a disappointing early time of 71.9 on his first run, with his engine bogging down in fourth gear. Stripping down his fuel pump, an inordinate amount of what can only be described as “crap” (which is, after all a technical term) clogging the integrated fuel filter in his fuel pump was discovered. Needless to say, a faster time of 57.4 resulted.  A punctured radiator was no impediment for Brendan and his Fraser Clubman, posting an excellent 51.7 and taking third in class behind “Hermes” Thompson. Is there no repair than cannot be accomplished with JB Weld and Duct Tape? (Handy hint to younger players – bonus points can be accrued if you can get irrigation components into your trackside repairs!)

Recovering well from the broken Panhard rod after the Winton Track day, Craig Ballinger in the Midget improved his times all afternoon with a best time of 55.8. Brendan Sullivan again demonstrated consistency and reliability and secured second place in Group 20 with a best time of 55.0. Chris Freeman in the GT posted 55.7, demonstrating a reliable performance we would all do well to emulate. Interestingly, positions 2, 3 and 7 – 10 in class 21 were all taken by our competition team members (Peter Thompson, Brendan Hall, Chris Freeman, Craig Ballinger, Graham Deahl and Dan Hall respectively) which, you must admit, is an excellent team showing.

Horrie Duniam has finally tracked down the nagging issue that had been hobbling his MGA (a faulty charging system that appeared to be triggering the rev limiter at about 3800 rpm) and the Jaguar engine was now on full song – posting his best time yet on his first run, a 49.6 and taking his first class win. He then stated, somewhat wide eyed, that “my car has a couple of extra seconds in it. My heart doesn’t.” and subsequent times were increasingly slower. Apparently, imagination can be counterproductive to continuing fast times?

And finally, your humble correspondent walked away not having broken anything and a best time of 75.8 – the gap between second and third gear proving a bit of an impediment on a hill climb.

Two full runs for all classes were accomplished but as later in the day, a slight shower made the top of the track a little greasy and the organisers elected to pull the pin on the third run for safety reasons.

Tired but happy, and with an impressive representation in the winner’s circle for all classes the team was competing in, the 2023 Innes Motors Historic Hillclimb came to a close. A very successful weekend for all concerned.

On a more personal note – the drive home on Monday was, shall we say, interesting and as an MG newbie I offer it for your amusement. Team Wurdibuloc stopped at Newstead for coffee on the way home; I was following Horrie because my phone was flat and therefore, no Google maps. “Here” says I to the Baron of Blather (another Saturday night sobriquet), “Can you take my phone and charge it?” So, sans phone, and trying to balance a coffee and a toastie in the MG (which has no cup holder) I look up to see that Der Meister der Maschinen – with my phone on board – has disappeared and is nowhere to be seen. So – no Horrie to follow, and no phone. And only a very sketchy idea of which way to go home. Hmmm. What could possibly go wrong?

About 20k short of Creswick, Huey the Weather God did his usual bit of bastardry and the heavens opened up. I’ve just replaced all the wiper components, but the poor little things couldn’t keep up with the deluge and I had to slow right down just to see where the road was. Oh, and gentle reader – Jedi Master Deahl’s statement “if you go faster than 30 in the rain then no rain will enter the cockpit”?  Pure, unmitigated bollocks. So picture this. Wet, cold, no phone and no clue? There may have been a little swearing. To make matters worse, coming into Creswick, she started to misbehave – the engine started stuttering, losing power, backfiring and popping. Maybe the downpour was so heavy, I’d accumulated some water in the fuel tank? Or Mr Lucas again demonstrating some of his finest weatherproof features?

Again. Cold, wet, no phone and no clue. Well, thinks me, if she dies, I’ll just get RACV Roadside Assistance, they’re only a phone…

Oh, bugger.

However, like the great hearted little thing that she is, she manfully picked up and I rolled into Creswick for more fresh fuel. And some directions from the very bemused service station attendant. No we don’t sell maps any more. Why don’t you just use Google maps on your phone? Oh, your phone is in your brothers’ car? That’s unfortunate. Well, just keep going that way until you get to Ballarat and then you should be fine. All very polite and helpful, but I could see that what she was really thinking was this- you are a bloody fool, aren’t you?

Onwards to Glory! With a now full tank of fresh 98, and Huey relenting, there were a couple of residual pops and crackles, and then she settled down and purred all the way home. Fear, doubt, hypothermia and a cold wet Beanie have no power to diminish the smile an MG puts on one’s face.

I’ve just put hood modifications to fit the new roll bar on my list of jobs. And a trailer. And weather proofed electrics. (Begone, Oh Price of Darkness!) And a working USB Charge port. And a new tonneau.

And power. I need more power.

So, my friends, that’s it from me until next season. Into the workshop she goes to get her prepared for summer and transfer onto club registration.

Your humble correspondent,
