Organized and led by Cheryl and David Brook


What a pleasant surprise to the start of the day.  There was no sign of the predicted severe weather warning that had been issued for the Surf Coast.  Our rendezvous point was the stylish 9 grams café in Armstrong Creek where we were met by our own traffic controller aka David Brook directing us to the car park.  After a morning coffee break, we received our debriefing for the day.

We were promised a run where we were to explore some of the lesser traveled roads of the Surf Coast.  An unplanned roadblock sent us around the back streets of Armstrong Creek and back to our starting point, so guess our tour leaders fulfilled their promise within the first 5 minutes of our tour.

After a quick regroup a convoy of 15 cars headed up towards the Anglesea Road through Freshwater Creek, past the Creek Gallery and Garden art gallery who stock a large range of ornaments and carvings from anything that can be recycled.  Our trip took a right hand turn into Hendy Road which is a lovely country road lined by old forest gums with pockets of flowering wattle trees. Our trip continued up through Moriac and turned towards Winchelsea at Mount Moriac.  Once through Winchelsea we turned left and headed back towards Modewarre.  The run was easy and very scenic, with rolling hills, herds of cattle and flocks of sheep grazing in lush green fields and more than just the one-off large lavish farmhouse.

After a few more turns our run took us along Forrest Road back towards Anglesea. We were all warned at the debriefing to watch out for kangaroos, thankfully none were spotted, however there was also something that the whole group did not see!

The tour finished at the Anglesea Golf Club.  All eyes were pealed for a glimpse of the mob of 300 kangaroos that are residents of the Golf Club.  We were not to be disappointed, a mob of 9 were lounging and sun baking just below the bistro window, one even with a joey in the pouch.

Our hosts Cheryl and David announced that there would be a quiz after lunch.  What a shock!!  I wish I had been a little more attentive on the run.  Probably to no one’s surprise except me, all the questions were themed around kangaroos.  The quiz was a lot of fun, and if you got the answer right or nearly right you won a prize, a kangaroo hide key-ring….nice touch.

One of the questions asked you how many kangaroo signs did you see?  No one answered the question correctly at first with guesses being thrown around at random.  For future trivia the answer was 18.  As no one answered correctly it makes you wonder just how observant we are when driving.  We were obviously too busy keeping an eye out for kangaroos and didn’t see any road signs.  Ummm was the warning at debriefing really a warning or just a clue?

Cheryl and David had also provided several sight seeing options to see around Anglesea, but the weather had taken a turn with a sudden heavy downpour which appeared to be setting in for the rest of the afternoon.  Given the wet conditions I think most members headed off home.

It was great to get out on a country drive, have a tasty lunch and a bit of fun.

Thanks Cheryl and David.