70th Year of the Magnette – To Ballan [Victoria] 23May23

To celebrate the release of the MG Z Series Magnette in Oct 1953 a run was organised to Ballan on 23May ’23. Due to drawing on members from 4 clubs Geelong members met at the Moorabool Chocolate factory at 10.30am, while non-Geelong members travelled directly to Ballan.

Arriving in Ballan at 12.30pm

23 of us arrived at the Commercial Hotel in Ballan. Six Magnettes and one Modern ZS were the flag bearers of the marque.

Having placed our food and drink orders it was time to mingle together. Ballarat and Melbourne attendees are at the distant end.

Short table has a good mix of the recently joined and diversified. Coming from Bendigo, Melbourne and Geelong

The day went very well. What does not when it’s a beautiful driving day and the venue lives up to expectations with good friendly service. We departed reluctantly but felt reassured this catchup and celebration was important.

Loz Scott