Sunday 16 April saw the the long awaited return to RobRoy Hillclimb for club competitors following an extended redevelopment process that included resurfacing and changes to the track layout.MGCC Geelong had 8 competitors entered. You can imagine our disappointment at being greeted on Sunday morning by steady rain. A couple of brief patches of blue sky, followed by more rain, was the order of the day with the track conditions being either wet or soaking wet.Dan Hall in his Midget starred for Geelong narrowly beating home Graeme Ruby in his MGB V8. Hard luck story of the day goes to Pete Thomson who had a starter motor problem that caused an early finish. All up it was still an enjoyable day despite the rain and the mud and the wet track. We look forward to getting back there on a dry day.ResultsDan Hall                   66.09Graeme Ruby          66.17Brendan Sullivan     66.63Craig Ballinger         68.69Chris Freeman.        69.54Nick Wood               70.38Graeme Deahl         70.89Peter Thomson         DNFThanks to Brendan for the write up.