Lunch at the Farmers arms hotel Beeac

Club members gathered at Balyang sanctuary between 10 and 1030 am a great turnout 49 members.

After  a quick briefing we headed of to pick up the freeway and headed to Winchelsea where we took a right turn towards Creesy  lovely scenic drive through farmland. We arrived at our destination the Farmers arms hotel.

The owner Ian McDowell had saved parking for the club out front where several cars were reversed parked and chance for a photo op.

As we entered and filled the dining room with 49 members a roster for ordering meals was quickly organised and it worked very well. The food was excellent and arrived quite promptly I did pass no my thanks to the kitchen staff for a job well done.


After lunch the owner Ian opened his shed at the rear of the pub and gave us a talk about the cars there they were very well finished and some quite rare.

The weather on the day was excellent and a great day was had by all.